Often, people buy essential oils and keep them at home over a period without storing or reading necessary information about the usage. So, when they finally stumble on the oil again, the next thing they are preoccupied with is how to apply the oil without having any side effects.
If you have an essential oil at your disposal and you remain unclear on how best to make use of it, then you need to make out time to read through this piece. It contains helpful tips on essential oils for beginners.
There are different types of essential oil, and don’t be surprised that most of the oils being paraded by most vendors are not 100% pure essential oil. Most of them contain only a fragment of essential oil elements.
On the other hand, some essential oils cannot be recommended for new beginners; not because they are bad, but because it is advisable to acquaint yourself with other common essential oil that can be easily used as a beginner. For instance, Oregano essential oil is not bad and does not have a side effect, but this oil’s complexity rules it out as an essential oil that you can recommend for new beginners. Oregano oil is powerful, and you will need to dilute it right before you contemplate using it.
Now, let us talk about lemon and peppermint. Do you know that one teaspoon of fresh lemon juice plus one drop of peppermint essential oil very early in the morning is sufficient to clean out toxic elements in your body system? Well, now you do.
Essential Oils that can be recommended for new beginners: Lemon and Peppermint
We live in a pandemic period, and what that means is that you need to be careful of where you go, eat, and touch. Rubbing a drop of lemon essential oil on your hand after you have been around areas suspected to be infected can help you disinfect yourself from germs and bacteria.
Lemon Essential Oil is also effective when it comes to handling repertory issues such as cold and cough. For a fast recovery from cough and cold, make yourself a lemon tea.
When most people visit the gym for exercise, they always want to push beyond their limits, which are not bad in the real sense, but those gains come with negative consequences. One of such is body aching. For instance, you find yourself in a position where your muscles are strained, put some peppermint into a carrier oil, then rub appropriately on any part of your body that is aching. In no time, you will feel your muscle is relaxed.
Peppermint Essential Oil is also effective in healing sore throat. All you need is to prepare a cup of peppermint tea, add a drop of peppermint to one teaspoon of honey, and then add one and a half cups of hot water. Peppermint tea helps in soothing our sore throat.
Lavender essential oil
A lavender essential oil can be used for different purposes. Your usage depends largely on your need. You can use lavender essential oil on a bodily burn, ache, rash, and wound, among other usages. What if you are applying on a wide area but you have limited lavender essential oil? All you need is to mix your lavender essential oil with carrier oil and use it to your body’s area that needs the touch. From that moment, your recovery process has begun. However, you must ensure the essential lavender oil you are using is a hundred percent pure.
To strengthen your immune system, eliminate aches, burns, and rashes in your body? Now is the perfect time to unseal the lead of your essential oil. Nevertheless, it would be great if you always remembered to seal the oil cover after each usage.