A Beginner’s Guide to Essential Oils

Often, people buy essential oils and keep them at home over a period without storing or reading necessary information about the usage. So, when they finally stumble on the oil again, the next thing they are preoccupied with is how to apply the oil without having any side effects.

If you have an essential oil at your disposal and you remain unclear on how best to make use of it, then you need to make out time to read through this piece. It contains helpful tips on essential oils for beginners.

There are different types of essential oil, and don’t be surprised that most of the oils being paraded by most vendors are not 100% pure essential oil. Most of them contain only a fragment of essential oil elements.

On the other hand, some essential oils cannot be recommended for new beginners; not because they are bad, but because it is advisable to acquaint yourself with other common essential oil that can be easily used as a beginner. For instance, Oregano essential oil is not bad and does not have a side effect, but this oil’s complexity rules it out as an essential oil that you can recommend for new beginners. Oregano oil is powerful, and you will need to dilute it right before you contemplate using it.

Now, let us talk about lemon and peppermint. Do you know that one teaspoon of fresh lemon juice plus one drop of peppermint essential oil very early in the morning is sufficient to clean out toxic elements in your body system? Well, now you do.

Essential Oils that can be recommended for new beginners: Lemon and Peppermint


We live in a pandemic period, and what that means is that you need to be careful of where you go, eat, and touch. Rubbing a drop of lemon essential oil on your hand after you have been around areas suspected to be infected can help you disinfect yourself from germs and bacteria.

Lemon Essential Oil is also effective when it comes to handling repertory issues such as cold and cough. For a fast recovery from cough and cold, make yourself a lemon tea.

When most people visit the gym for exercise, they always want to push beyond their limits, which are not bad in the real sense, but those gains come with negative consequences. One of such is body aching. For instance, you find yourself in a position where your muscles are strained, put some peppermint into a carrier oil, then rub appropriately on any part of your body that is aching. In no time, you will feel your muscle is relaxed.

Peppermint Essential Oil is also effective in healing sore throat. All you need is to prepare a cup of peppermint tea, add a drop of peppermint to one teaspoon of honey, and then add one and a half cups of hot water. Peppermint tea helps in soothing our sore throat.

Lavender essential oil

A lavender essential oil can be used for different purposes. Your usage depends largely on your need. You can use lavender essential oil on a bodily burn, ache, rash, and wound, among other usages. What if you are applying on a wide area but you have limited lavender essential oil? All you need is to mix your lavender essential oil with carrier oil and use it to your body’s area that needs the touch. From that moment, your recovery process has begun. However, you must ensure the essential lavender oil you are using is a hundred percent pure.


To strengthen your immune system, eliminate aches, burns, and rashes in your body? Now is the perfect time to unseal the lead of your essential oil. Nevertheless, it would be great if you always remembered to seal the oil cover after each usage.

How’s Your Credit? Take Our Credit Check Quiz Now to Find Out

Do you know whether your credit rating is good, bad, or average? While the only way to know for certain is to get a copy of your credit report, you can get a pretty good idea where you stand by taking our credit check quiz. Just keep a running tally of the number of A’s, B’s, and C’s you choose as you go along, and we’ll tell you how you did at the end.

First, the Mini Credit Check Quiz

1. Have you been bankrupt or entered into an individual voluntary arrangement in the past six years, or are you currently being hounded by one or more creditors?

A. Yes. A bankruptcy or IVA stays on your credit for six years, and creditors don’t hound you if you are paying your bills on time. If either of these applies to you, you can skip the quiz. You have bad credit, and you probably already know it.

B. No. Continue on and take the 8-question credit check quiz below.

The Credit Check Quiz

1. How many accounts do you have open?

A. I have a mortgage and one credit card. I prefer not to take on more than I can handle.

B. I have a mortgage, a car payment, and one or two credit cards.

C. I have a mortgage, a car payment, and several credit cards.

2. Do you pay your bills on time?

A. I haven’t had a late payment in years.

B. I always pay the full amount due, but sometimes my payment is a few days late.

C. I frequently pay my payments late. Sometimes I pay less than the amount due or miss a payment completely.

3. How much of your revolving credit are you actually using?

A. I keep the balance on my credit cards below 30% of the limit.

B. I’m using about half of the credit available to me on my credit cards.

C. Most of my credit cards are maxed or close to it.

4. Do you spend more than you earn over the course of a year?

A. I rarely carry a balance on my credit cards. If I can’t afford to pay cash, I certainly can’t afford to pay interest on top of the cost of the item. If I have a car loan, I expect to continue driving the vehicle for at least two years after the loan is repaid.

B. I try to stay within my means, but often find myself buying something on credit that I wouldn’t have purchased without the card.

C. I use my credit cards to buy things I couldn’t otherwise afford. That’s what they’re for, right?

5. Have you gotten a debt consolidation loan, remortgaged your home to pay off your debts or participated in a debt management plan?

A. No.

B. Yes, but I learned my lesson and have changed my spending habits.

C. Yes, and now that my debt payment is smaller I can afford the minimum payments, so I have started using my credit cards again or have gotten a new one.

6. Do you have an emergency fund?

A. I’ve saved up at least six months’ worth of expenses in case of a major emergency, such as a job loss.

B. I have at least £1,000 in a savings account that I don’t touch except in an emergency.

C. I have little or no savings. I find myself scrambling to pay for repairs if the car breaks down.

7. Do you add to your savings regularly?

A. I have weekly or monthly contributions being made automatically to my savings account and my retirement fund.

B. I am regularly funding either my savings or my retirement, but not both.

C. I am not funding my retirement or savings account on a regular basis.

8. How often do you check your credit report?

A. I subscribe to a service that sends me alerts at least monthly if my credit rating drops.

B. I check my credit report at least once per year.

C. It has been more than a year since I last saw my credit report.

How Did You Do?

If you have mostly A’s, you are a good saver who tries to use credit sparingly and responsibly. You probably have good credit.

If you have mostly B’s, you are on a slippery slope. You’re probably keeping up with your payments for now, at least most of the time, but you are spending more than you should, at least occasionally. If your circumstances change for the worse, you could find yourself in trouble very quickly. Your credit rating is likely average.

If you have C’s, you are struggling to keep up with your debt repayments and sometimes failing. You have bad credit and should consider making an appointment for debt counselling with a non-profit debt management organisation.

Ontario Electrical Safety Code for a Safe Electrical Renovation Project

Take nothing for granted.

Today, homeowners take electricity for granted. With a flip of switch, you can turn on the lights, charge electrical appliances and heat food in the microwave. It is very simple and convenient. But, remember that a lot of effort goes into making electricity available to you. And, it is imperative that you ensure safe usage of electricity. A safe electrical system is necessary for every home. It becomes all the more important for old homes because it contains old wires and outdated technology.

Have you purchased an old home recently? Have you inherited an old property lately? If you wish to live in an old home, you will have to consider an electrical renovation project. It will enable you to upgrade the electrical system of your home and make it safe as well as energy-efficient.

Whenever you consider the possibility of an electrical renovation project, do not forget to think about safety. If you do not ensure safe installation of electrical wires and equipment, you will violate the Ontario Electrical Safety Code. Electrical Safety Authority (ESA) publishes the technical document every three years. It governs all kinds of electrical wiring projects as well as electrical installation projects in homes and commercial properties.

2015 Ontario Electrical Safety Code

ESA published a new safety code for the homeowners of Ontario in order to consider several changes that were made in the Canadian Electrical Code (CEC). It includes major changes to the following sections:

>>Renewable energy,

>>Hazardous locations,

>>Electric heating,

>>Arc Fault Circuit Interrupters (AFCIs),

>>Non-commercial docks,

>>LED in residential occupancies,

>>Supply connectors for recreational vehicles, etc.

Will the New Ontario Electrical Safety Code affect your Electrical Renovation Project?

According to the law, every electrical renovation project that a homeowner undertakes after May 5, 2016 must comply with the requirements of the Ontario Electrical Safety Code. So, discuss everything related to legal compliance with your electrical contractor before starting the work.

Do not consider any electrical renovation project as a DIY job. Faulty wires and damaged circuits can result in loss of life. So, it is better to rely on the expertise of a licensed electrical contractor to do the job for you.

Common Electrical Code Violations

An ESA inspector will determines whether your electrical renovation project complies with the Ontario Electrical Safety Code. If he finds any violation of the safety code, he can issue you a Defect Notice. Here a couple of violations that can put you on the wrong side of the law:

>>Ungrounded receptacles

>>Unapproved connectors

>>Defective electrical panel

>>Improper installation of electrical wires

>>Use of outdated technology

>>Unsafe electrical maintenance techniques

>>Overloaded circuits

>>Outdated electrical devices

>>DIY electrical renovation projects

Expert at your Service!

If you receive a Defect Notice from ESA, do not worry. The authorities will provide you with a timeframe to correct the electrical defect. But, it is important to remember that correcting the defect is not a DIY job. Consult a licensed electrical contractor in your area to help you out. Before hiring a contractor, make sure that he understands everything related to the new Ontario Electrical Safety Code and has experience of correcting the defects properly. It will ensure that you do not have to face any problem with the authorities in the future.

If you do not consider the current Ontario Electrical Safety Code, opting for an electrical renovation project can become a noose around your neck. So, comply with the requirements for a safe electrical renovation project.

When it comes to any kind of electrical repair or installation work in Greater Toronto Area, people trust Power Electrical. We are a team of Toronto’s certified electricians with experience of handling electrical code corrections efficiently. Get in touch now for a safe electrical renovation project.